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Colour & Filters  


All of the projects found in this section are made with Processing3, with the exception of the Shaders section; which is made with Processing3 ,C For Graphics, and OpenGL.


My bachelors (Bsc Creative Computing) has a distinct focus on the visual, from colour theory, to colour blindness, to visual effects and history of art.​

In this section you will find:

  • Optical illusions

  • Shaders

  • Image Filters

  • An Algorithmic Painter

Colour Mixing​

This is a simple program which clearly shows the effect of "blurring". The program makes a grid on the screen of yellow and red blocks, close up you can see a grid; but by leaning back a bit you see orange as the colours blur. This is the principal behind the pixels in your screen, but the principle can be used in shaders and rendering far away things.

Drip Painting

This is a programmatic interpretation of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings. There is a brush manager that uses Perlin Motion to move across the canvas in a random yet smooth fashion. This was done for a creative exploration task where I could explore anything I wanted as long as it linked to a section of my essay, which was "Randomness in Art".

The brush moves around and draws lines of random lengths, similar to how Jackson Pollock would dip the end of his brush in the bucket and just swing it over the painting. Every now and then he would just drop a big splash of paint to make a more solid object in the scene, which I also made my program do.

This is clearly nowhere near the level of Jackson Pollocks work, but I've had a lot of people say that watching it draw on the slow settings is entrancing, and the final output shown on the right is interesting.

Image Filters

This program highlights the information gained through the course relating to filters. The images shown here show the original image, and then an image that will switch between a black and white version, and an inverted colour version. The program that I made to filter the images goes through each pixel and performs bitwise operations to each. If you stare at the inverted colour image for a few seconds, and click it to switch to the black and white version you will see an impression of the colours on the image, making it look coloured. We learnt a lot of filtering techniques, including edge detection, but this is a good highlight of the set.

Optical Illusions and visual effects

In the course we had a heavy emphasis on design principles, like the Gestalt principles and optical illusions which we may be able to incorporate into future projects. Bellow are two examples that I thought were interesting. 

The Benham's top or Fletcher colour:

This effect is not fully understood, but when this sort of static image rotated very fast, you start to see smears of the colour slowly move around the circle in odd ways. 

(click the animation to pause it)

The Herman Grid Illusion:

In this effect ghost like blobs appear at the intersection points of the lines.

(Click the arrow to show a version with white dots highlighting the effect.)


(Processing3, C for Graphics, OpenGL)

In my bachelors we looked at graphics shaders and learnt C for Graphics and OpenGL at a basic level. Bellow are examples of a Toon shader that works with harsh thresholds, my implementations of Phong and Gouraud shading and my own generic shader.

To request access to any of these programs, please contact me through

the email below, or through the Contact Page

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