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Features: Eight levels of a 2D puzzle platformer game. The game gimmick/core mechanic is that when you die you leave behind an interactable obstacle/body that can be used to complete levels. The game has hazards such as falling blocks, projectiles and projectile spanners, and static hazards like spikes. You gain more stars (up to 3) for using fewer lives in each level. For QoL there is a restart button that can be triggered by holding "r" for 3 seconds.

The Story: This was the First game jam that I did as the soul programmer. I took on the roll of programmer and shared the roll of designer with my one teammate who shared the roll with me and took on the roll of artist. Whilst the GameJam was a three day jam, we decided to tackle it over two days due to other commitments.


Whilst at this point I had worked on multiple games, I had never worked on a proper game where I took on the roll of lead/soul programmer and I wanted to test my self on this. A jam was the best option as at the time I didn't have free time to consistently spare on a game project with all the other projects I was tackling.

The Success: Whilst we didn't win the GameJam its self, we got overwhelming feedback in the comments, over 1,000 plays in the first few days, and 2,700 plays as of today. It hit trending on the main website and held a top 40 spot for several days.

Itch themselves tweeted about our game, and eventually we were contacted by CoolMathGames about licensing our game to them. Currently we have an agreement with CoolMathGames to add some more content to the game in the forms one mechanic and two levels, which will soon be on their website.

Find a playable version of this project on my page.

I am the author Epic Beaver.

Ring Of The Phoenix

Game Jam

(C#, Unity)


Platform: WebGl, Windows

Engine: Unity

Language: C#


Team Size: 2

Roles: Programmer, Designer, Audio

Place: Fourth Place

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